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Math constants
Phobos Team, Ilia Ki
enum real E;
e = 2.718281...
enum real LOG2T;
⊂10 = 3.321928...
enum real LOG2E;
⊂e = 1.442695...
enum real LOG2;
⊂2 = 0.301029...
enum real LOG10E;
⊂e = 0.434294...
enum real LN2;
ln 2 = 0.693147...
enum real LN10;
ln 10 = 2.302585...
enum real PI;
π = 3.141592...
enum real PI_2;
π / 2 = 1.570796...
enum real PI_4;
π / 4 = 0.785398...
enum real M_1_PI;
1 / π = 0.318309...
enum real M_2_PI;
2 / π = 0.636619...
enum real M_2_SQRTPI;
2 / π = 1.128379...
enum real SQRT2;
2 = 1.414213...
enum real SQRT1_2;
= 0.707106...
enum real ExpMEuler;
Exponent of minus Euler–Mascheroni constant.
enum real GoldenRatio;
Golden Ratio = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 = 1.6180339...
enum real GoldenRatioInverseSquared;
Golden Ratio ^ -2 = 0.381966...