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Variant and Nullable types

This module implements a discriminated union type (a.k.a. tagged union, algebraic type). Such types are useful for type-uniform binary interfaces, interfacing with scripting languages, and comfortable exploratory programming.
The module defines generic Algebraic type that contains a payload. The allowed types of the paylad are defined by the unordered TypeSet.
Algebraic template accepts two arguments: self type set id and a list of type sets.

Algebraic Aliases

Name Description
Variant an algebraic type
TaggedVariant a tagged algebraic type
Nullable an algebraic type with at least typeof(null)

Visitor Handlers

Name Ensures can match Throws if no match Returns Nullable Multiple dispatch Argumments count Fuses Algebraic types on return
    Classic handlers
visit Yes N/A No No 1+ No visit, Yes, N/A, No, No, 1+, No
optionalVisit No No Yes No 1+ No optionalVisit, No, No, Yes, No, 1+, No
autoVisit No No auto No 1+ No autoVisit, No, No, auto, No, 1+, No
tryVisit No Yes No No 1+ No tryVisit, No, Yes, No, No, 1+, No
    Multiple dispatch and algebraic fusion on return
match Yes N/A No Yes 0+ Yes match, Yes, N/A, No, Yes, 0+, Yes
optionalMatch No No Yes Yes 0+ Yes optionalMatch, No, No, Yes, Yes, 0+, Yes
autoMatch No No auto Yes 0+ Yes autoMatch, No, No, auto, Yes, 0+, Yes
tryMatch No Yes No Yes 0+ Yes tryMatch, No, Yes, No, Yes, 0+, Yes
     Inner handlers. Multiple dispatch and algebraic fusion on return.
suit N/A(Yes) N/A No Yes ? Yes suit, N/A(Yes), N/A, No, Yes, ?, Yes
some N/A(Yes) N/A No Yes 0+ Yes some, N/A(Yes), N/A, No, Yes, 0+, Yes
none N/A(Yes) N/A No Yes 1+ Yes none, N/A(Yes), N/A, No, Yes, 1+, Yes
assumeOk Yes(No) No(Yes) No(Yes) Yes(No) 0+ Yes(No) assumeOk, Yes(No), No(Yes), No(Yes), Yes(No), 0+, Yes(No)
    Member access
getMember Yes N/A No No 1+ No getMember, Yes, N/A, No, No, 1+, No
optionalGetMember No No Yes No 1+ No optionalGetMember, No, No, Yes, No, 1+, No
autoGetMember No No auto No 1+ No autoGetMember, No, No, auto, No, 1+, No
tryGetMember No Yes No No 1+ No tryGetMember, No, Yes, No, No, 1+, No
    Member access with algebraic fusion on return
matchMember Yes N/A No No 1+ Yes matchMember, Yes, N/A, No, No, 1+, Yes
optionalMatchMember No No Yes No 1+ Yes optionalMatchMember, No, No, Yes, No, 1+, Yes
autoMatchMember No No auto No 1+ Yes autoMatchMember, No, No, auto, No, 1+, Yes
tryMatchMember No Yes No No 1+ Yes tryMatchMember, No, Yes, No, No, 1+, Yes

Special Types

Name Description
void It is usefull to indicate a possible return type of the visitor. Can't be accesed by reference.
typeof(null) It is usefull for nullable types. Also, it is used to indicate that a visitor can't match the current value of the algebraic. Can't be accesed by reference.
This Dummy structure that is used to construct self-referencing algebraic types. Example: Variant!(int, double, string, This*[2])
SetAlias!setId Dummy structure that is used to construct cyclic-referencing lists of algebraic types.
Err Wrapper to denote an error value type.
reflectErr Attribute that denotes that the type is an error value type.

Algebraic Traits

Name Description
isVariant Checks if the type is instance of Algebraic.
isNullable Checks if the type is instance of Algebraic with a self TypeSet that contains typeof(null).
isTypeSet Checks if the types are the same as TypeSet of them.
ValueTypeOfNullable Gets type of
  • .Algebraic.get.2
  • method.
    SomeVariant Gets subtype of algebraic without types for which isErr is true.
    NoneVariant Gets subtype of algebraic with types for which isErr is true.
    isErr Checks if T is a instance of Err or if it is annotated with reflectErr.
    isResultVariant Checks if T is a Variant with at least one allowed type that satisfy isErr traits.

    Type Set

    • Type set is unordered. Example:TypeSet!(int, double) and TypeSet!(double, int) are the same.
    • Duplicats are ignored. Example: TypeSet!(float, int, float) and TypeSet!(int, float) are the same.
    • Types are automatically unqualified if this operation can be performed implicitly. Example: TypeSet!(const int) and TypeSet!int` are the same.
    • Non trivial TypeSet!(A, B, ..., etc) is allowed.
    • Trivial TypeSet!T is allowed.
    • Empty TypeSet!() is allowed.


    • Visitors are allowed to return values of different types If there are more then one return type then the an Algebraic type is returned.
    • Visitors are allowed to accept additional arguments. The arguments can be passed to the visitor handler.
    • Multiple visitors can be passes to the visitor handler.
    • Visitors are matched according to the common Dlang Function Overloading rules.
    • Visitors are allowed accept algebraic value by reference except the value of typeof(null).
    • Visitors are called without algebraic value if its algebraic type is void.
    • If the visitors arguments has known types, then such visitors should be passed to a visitor handler before others to make the compiler happy. This includes visitors with no arguments, which is used to match void type.

    Implementation Features

    • BetterC support. Runtime TypeInfo is not used.
    • Copy-constructors and postblit constructors are supported.
    • toHash, opCmp. opEquals, and toString support.
    • No string or template mixins are used.
    • Optimised for fast execution.
    • some / none idiom.
    See Also:
    Ilia Ki
    enum algMeta;
    The attribute is used to define a permanent member field in an anlgebraic type. Should applied to a field of the union passed to TaggedVariant.
    enum algTransp;
    The attribute is used in pair with algMeta to exclude the field from compression in toHash, opEquals, and opCmp methods.
    enum algVerbose;
    The attribute is used in pair with algMeta to use the field as an error infomration. Usually it is a position marker in a file. The type should have scope const toString method.
    enum bool isVariant(T);
    Checks if the type is instance of Algebraic.
    static assert(isVariant!(Variant!(int, string)));
    static assert(isVariant!(const Variant!(int[], string)));
    static assert(isVariant!(Nullable!(int, string)));
    static assert(!isVariant!int);
    enum bool isLikeVariant(T);
    Same as isVariant, but matches for alias this variant types (requires DMD FE 2.100.0 or later)
    static struct CustomVariant
        Variant!(int, string) data;
        alias data this;
        this(T)(T v) { data = v; }
        ref typeof(this) opAssign(T)(T v)
            data = v;
            return this;
    static assert(isLikeVariant!(Variant!(int, string)));
    static assert(isLikeVariant!(const Variant!(int[], string)));
    static assert(isLikeVariant!(Nullable!(int, string)));
    static assert(!isLikeVariant!int);
    static assert(!isVariant!CustomVariant);
    static assert(isLikeVariant!CustomVariant);
    CustomVariant customVariant = 5;
        (string s) => false,
        (int n) => true
    enum bool isTaggedVariant(T);
    Checks if the type is instance of tagged Algebraic.
    Tagged algebraics can be defined with TaggedVariant.
    static union MyUnion
        int integer;
        immutable(char)[] string;
    alias MyAlgebraic = Algebraic!MyUnion;
    static assert(isTaggedVariant!MyAlgebraic);
    static assert(!isTaggedVariant!int);
    static assert(!isTaggedVariant!(Variant!(int, string)));
    enum bool isLikeTaggedVariant(T);
    Same as isTaggedVariant, but with support for custom alias this variants.
    Only works since DMD FE 2.100, see isLikeVariant.
    enum bool isNullable(T);
    Checks if the type is instance of Algebraic with a self TypeSet that contains typeof(null).
    static assert(isNullable!(const Nullable!(int, string)));
    static assert(isNullable!(Nullable!()));
    static assert(!isNullable!(Variant!()));
    static assert(!isNullable!(Variant!string));
    static assert(!isNullable!int);
    static assert(!isNullable!string);
    enum bool isLikeNullable(T);
    Same as isNullable, but with support for custom alias this variants.
    Only works since DMD FE 2.100, see isLikeVariant.
    template ValueTypeOfNullable(T : Algebraic!(typeof(null), Types), Types...)
    Gets type of
  • .Algebraic.get.2
  • method.
    static assert(is(ValueTypeOfNullable!(const Nullable!(int, string)) == Algebraic!(int, string)));
    static assert(is(ValueTypeOfNullable!(Nullable!()) == Algebraic!()));
    static assert(is(typeof(Nullable!().get()) == Algebraic!()));
    struct This;
    Dummy type for Variant and Nullable self-referencing.
    template TypeSet(T...)
    Type set resolution template used to construct Algebraic .
    enum bool isTypeSet(T...);
    Checks if the type list is TypeSet.
    static assert(isTypeSet!(TypeSet!()));
    static assert(isTypeSet!(TypeSet!void));
    static assert(isTypeSet!(TypeSet!(void, int, typeof(null))));
    template Variant(T...)
    Variant Type (aka Algebraic Type).
    The implementation is defined as
    alias Variant(T...) = Algebraic!(TypeSet!T);
    Compatible with BetterC mode.
    Variant!(int, double, string) v = 5;
    assert(v.get!int == 5);
    v = 3.14;
    assert(v == 3.14);
    // auto x = v.get!long; // won't compile, type long not allowed
    // v = '1'; // won't compile, type char not allowed
    Single argument Variant
    static struct S
        int n;
        this(ref return scope inout S rhs) inout
            this.n = rhs.n + 1;
    Variant!S a = S();
    auto b = a;
    import mir.conv;
    assert(a.get!S.n == 0);
    assert(b.n == 1); //direct access of a member in case of all algebraic types has this member
    Empty type set
    Variant!() a;
    auto b = a;
    assert(a.toHash == 0);
    assert(a == b);
    assert(a <= b && b >= a);
    static assert(typeof(a).sizeof == 1);
    Small types
    static struct S { ubyte d; }
    static assert(Nullable!(byte, char, S).sizeof == 2);
    template TaggedVariant(T) if (is(T == union))
    Tagged Variant Type (aka Tagged Algebraic Type).
    Compatible with BetterC mode.
    Template has two declarations:
    // and
    template TaggedVariant(T)
        if (is(T == union))
    Json Value with styles
    enum Style { block, flow }
    static struct SomeMetadata {
        int a;
        @safe pure nothrow @nogc scope
        int opCmp(scope const SomeMetadata rhs) const { return a - rhs.a; }
    static struct ParsePosition
        string file, line, column;
        void toString()(scope ref W w) scope const
            if (line) {
                w.put("("); w.put(line);
                if (column) { w.put(","); w.put(column); }
    static union Json_
        typeof(null) null_;
        bool boolean;
        long integer;
        double floating;
        // Not, that `string` is't builtin type but an alias in `object.d`
        // So we can use `string` as a name of the string field
        immutable(char)[] string;
        This[] array;
        // commented out to test `opCmp` primitive
        // This[immutable(char)[]] object;
        bool active;
        SomeMetadata metadata;
        Style style;
        @algVerbose ParsePosition position;
    alias JsonAlgebraic = Algebraic!Json_;
    // typeof(null) has priority
    static assert(JsonAlgebraic.Kind.init == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.null_);
    static assert(JsonAlgebraic.Kind.null_ == 0);
    // Kind and AllowedTypes has the same order
    static assert (is(JsonAlgebraic.AllowedTypes[JsonAlgebraic.Kind.array] == JsonAlgebraic[]));
    static assert (is(JsonAlgebraic.AllowedTypes[JsonAlgebraic.Kind.boolean] == bool));
    static assert (is(JsonAlgebraic.AllowedTypes[JsonAlgebraic.Kind.floating] == double));
    static assert (is(JsonAlgebraic.AllowedTypes[JsonAlgebraic.Kind.integer] == long));
    static assert (is(JsonAlgebraic.AllowedTypes[JsonAlgebraic.Kind.null_] == typeof(null)));
    // static assert (is(JsonAlgebraic.AllowedTypes[JsonAlgebraic.Kind.object] == JsonAlgebraic[string]));
    JsonAlgebraic v;
    assert(v.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.null_);
    v = 1;
    assert(v.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.integer);
    assert(v == 1);
    v = JsonAlgebraic(1);
    assert(v == 1);
    v = v.get!(long, double);
    v = "Tagged!";
    // member-based access. Simple!
    assert(v.string == "Tagged!");
    // type-based access
    assert(v.get!string == "Tagged!");
    assert(v.trustedGet!string == "Tagged!");
    assert(v.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.string);
    assert(v.get!"string" == "Tagged!"); // string-based get
    assert(v.trustedGet!"string" == "Tagged!"); // string-based trustedGet
    assert(v.get!(JsonAlgebraic.Kind.string) == "Tagged!"); // Kind-based get
    assert(v.trustedGet!(JsonAlgebraic.Kind.string) == "Tagged!"); // Kind-based trustedGet
    // checks
    assert(v._is!string); // type based
    assert(v._is!"string"); // string based
    assert(v._is!(JsonAlgebraic.Kind.string)); //
    v = null;
    assert(v.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.null_);
    v = [JsonAlgebraic("str"), JsonAlgebraic(4.3)];
    assert(v.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.array);
    assert(v.trustedGet!(JsonAlgebraic[])[1].kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.floating);
    JsonAlgebraic w = v; = Style.flow;
    assert( !=;
    assert(v == w);
    assert(v <= w);
    assert(v >= w);
    assert(v.toHash == w.toHash); = true;
    assert(v != w);
    assert(v.toHash != w.toHash);
    assert(v.get!"array" == w.get!"array");
    assert(v < w);
    // test equality with self-referencing allowed type
    auto arr = [JsonAlgebraic("str"), JsonAlgebraic(120)];
    v = arr;
    assert(v == arr);
    assert(v == [JsonAlgebraic("str"), JsonAlgebraic(120)]);
    Wrapped algebraic with propogated primitives
    static struct Response
        private union Response_
            double float_;
            immutable(char)[] string;
            Response[] array;
            Response[immutable(char)[]] table;
        alias ResponseAlgebraic = Algebraic!Response_;
        ResponseAlgebraic data;
        alias Tag = ResponseAlgebraic.Kind;
        // propogates opEquals, opAssign, and other primitives
        alias data this;
        static foreach (T; ResponseAlgebraic.AllowedTypes)
            this(T v) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { data = v; }
    Response v = 3.0;
    assert(v.kind == Response.Tag.float_);
    v = "str";
    assert(v == "str");
    template Nullable(T...)

    Nullable!T nullable(T)(T t);
    Nullable Variant Type (aka Algebraic Type).
    The implementation is defined as
    alias Nullable(T...) = Variant!(typeof(null), T);
    In additional to common algebraic API the following members can be accesssed:
    Compatible with BetterC mode.
    Single type Nullable
    static assert(is(Nullable!int == Variant!(typeof(null), int)));
    Nullable!int a = 5;
    assert(a.get!int == 5);
    a = 4;
    assert(a.get == 4);
    assert(a == 4);
    a = 4;
    a = null;
    assert(a == null);
    Empty nullable type set support
    Nullable!() a;
    auto b = a;
    assert(a.toHash == 0);
    assert(a == b);
    assert(a <= b && b >= a);
    static assert(typeof(a).sizeof == 1);
    struct Algebraic(T__...);
    Algebraic implementation. For more portable code, it is higly recommeded to don't use this template directly. Instead, please use of Variant and Nullable, which sort types.
    Constructor and methods propagation.
    static struct Base
        double d;
    static class Cc
        // alias this members are supported
        Base base;
        alias base this;
        int a;
        private string _b;
    @safe pure nothrow @nogc:
        override size_t toHash() scope const { return hashOf(_b) ^ a; }
        string b() const @property { return _b; }
        void b(string b) @property { _b = b; }
        int retArg(int v) { return v; }
        string retArgT(TArgs...)(int v) { return TArgs.stringof; }
        this(int a, string b)
            this.a = a;
            this._b = b;
    static struct S
        string b;
        int a;
        double retArg(double v) { return v; }
        double retArgT(TArgs...)(int v) { return v * TArgs.length; }
        // alias this members are supported
        Base base;
        alias base this;
    static void inc(ref int a) { a++; }
    alias V = Nullable!(Cc, S); // or Variant!
    auto v = V(2, "str");
    assert(v.a == 2);
    assert(v.b == "str");
    // members are returned by reference if possible
    assert(v.a == 3);
    v.b = "s";
    assert(v.b == "s");
    // alias this members are supported
    v.d = 10;
    assert(v.d == 10);
    // method call support
    assert(v.retArg(100) == 100);
    // method with template args support
    assert(v.retArgT!dchar(100) == "(dchar)");
    v = V("S", 5);
    assert(v.a == 5);
    assert(v.b == "S");
    // members are returned by reference if possible
    assert(v.a == 6);
    v.b = "s";
    assert(v.b == "s");
    // alias this members are supported
    v.d = 15;
    assert(v.d == 15);
    // method call support
    assert(v.retArg(300) == 300.0);
    static immutable char[][] metaFieldNames__;
    static immutable char[][] typeFieldNames__;
    alias AllowedTypes = AliasSeq!(ReplaceTypeUnless!(.isVariant, .This, Algebraic!T__, Types__));
    Allowed types list
    See Also:
    import std.meta: AliasSeq;
    alias V = Nullable!
    static assert(is(V.AllowedTypes == TypeSet!(
    enum Kind;
    Algebraic Kind.
    Defined as enum for tagged algebraics and as unsigned for common algebraics.
    The Kind enum contains the members defined using tag names.
    If the algebraic type is Nullable then the default Kind enum member has zero value and corresponds to typeof(null).
    See Also:
    const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe Kind kind();
    Defined as enum for tagged algebraics and as unsigned for common algebraics.
    See Also:
    const scope @safe size_t[2] opSlice(size_t dimension)(size_t i, size_t j)
    if (dimension == 0);
    slice type of Slice!(IotaIterator!size_t)
    this(RhsTypes...)(Algebraic!RhsTypes rhs)
    if (!(hasElaborateCopyConstructor!(Algebraic!T__) && is(Algebraic!RhsTypes == typeof(this))) && allSatisfy!(Contains!AllowedTypes, Algebraic!RhsTypes.AllowedTypes));
    Construct an algebraic type from its subset.
    alias Float = Variant!(float, double);
    alias Int = Variant!(long, int);
    alias Number = Variant!(Float.AllowedTypes, Int.AllowedTypes);
    Float fp = 3.0;
    Number number = fp; // constructor call
    assert(number == 3.0);
    Int integer = 12L;
    number = Number(integer);
    assert(number == 12L);
    const pure nothrow @nogc scope @trusted size_t toHash();
    const pure nothrow @nogc scope @trusted bool opEquals()(scope const Algebraic rhs);

    const pure nothrow @nogc scope @trusted bool opEquals()(ref scope const Algebraic rhs);
    const pure nothrow @nogc scope @trusted int opCmp()(auto ref scope const typeof(this) rhs);
    const scope @trusted string toString()();

    const pure scope @trusted void toString(W)(ref scope W w)
    if (__traits(compiles, () pure { w.put("Algebraic"); } ));

    const scope @trusted void toString(W)(ref scope W w)
    if (!__traits(compiles, () pure { w.put("Algebraic"); } ));
    Requires mir-algorithm package
    const bool opCast(C)()
    if (is(C == bool));
    const Algebraic opCast(C)()
    if (is(C == Algebraic));
    const @property bool isNull();

    void nullify();

    auto get()()
    if (allSatisfy!(isCopyable, AllowedTypes[1 .. $]) && (AllowedTypes.length != 2) && is(AllowedTypes[0] == typeof(null)));
    Defined if the first type is typeof(null)
    inout ref inout(AllowedTypes[1]) get() return;

    inout @property ref inout(AllowedTypes[1]) get()(auto ref inout(AllowedTypes[1]) fallback) return;
    Gets the value if not null. If this is in the null state, and the optional parameter fallback was provided, it will be returned. Without fallback, calling get with a null state is invalid.
    When the fallback type is different from the Nullable type, get(T) returns the common type.
    inout(AllowedTypes[1]) fallback the value to return in case the Nullable is null.
    The value held internally by this Nullable.
    enum E { a = "a", b = "b" }
    Nullable!E f = E.a;
    auto e = f.get();
    static assert(is(typeof(e) == E), Nullable!E.AllowedTypes.stringof);
    assert(e == E.a);
    assert(f.get(E.b) == E.a);
    f = null;
    assert(f.get(E.b) == E.b);
    const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe bool _is(R : Algebraic!RetTypes, RetTypes...)()
    if (allSatisfy!(Contains!AllowedTypes, Algebraic!RetTypes.AllowedTypes));

    const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe bool _is(RetTypes...)()
    if (RetTypes.length > 1);
    Checks if the underlaying type is an element of a user provided type set.
    @property ref auto trustedGet(R : Algebraic!RetTypes, this This, RetTypes...)() return
    if (allSatisfy!(Contains!AllowedTypes, Algebraic!RetTypes.AllowedTypes));

    template trustedGet(RetTypes...) if (RetTypes.length > 1)
    nothrow .Algebraic.get alternative that returns an algebraic subset.
    alias Float = Variant!(float, double);
    alias Int = Variant!(long, int);
    alias Number = Variant!(Float.AllowedTypes, Int.AllowedTypes);
    Number number = 3.0;
    auto fp = number.trustedGet!Float;
    static assert(is(typeof(fp) == Float));
    assert(fp == 3.0);
    // type list overload
    number = 12L;
    assert(number._is!(int, long));
    auto integer = number.trustedGet!(int, long);
    static assert(is(typeof(integer) == Int));
    assert(integer == 12L);
    template trustedGet(Kind kind)

    template trustedGet(string kind)
    trustedGet overload that accept .Algebraic.Kind.
    @property ref auto get(R : Algebraic!RetTypes, this This, RetTypes...)() return
    if (allSatisfy!(Contains!AllowedTypes, Algebraic!RetTypes.AllowedTypes));

    template get(RetTypes...) if (RetTypes.length > 1)
    Gets an algebraic subset.
    Exception if the storage contains value of the type that isn't represented in the allowed type set of the requested algebraic.
    alias Float = Variant!(float, double);
    alias Int = Variant!(long, int);
    alias Number = Variant!(Float.AllowedTypes, Int.AllowedTypes);
    Number number = 3.0;
    auto fp = number.get!Float;
    static assert(is(typeof(fp) == Float));
    assert(fp == 3.0);
    // type list overload
    number = 12L;
    auto integer = number.get!(int, long);
    static assert(is(typeof(integer) == Int));
    assert(integer == 12L);
    template get(Kind kind)

    template get(string kind)
    get overload that accept .Algebraic.Kind.
    template _is(Kind kind)

    template _is(string kind)
    _is overload that accept .Algebraic.Kind.
    ref @trusted auto opAssign(RhsTypes...)(Algebraic!RhsTypes rhs) return
    if (allSatisfy!(Contains!AllowedTypes, Algebraic!RhsTypes.AllowedTypes) && !is(Algebraic == Algebraic!RhsTypes));
    const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe bool isOk();
    Determines if the variant holds value of some none-isVariant type. The property is avaliable only for
    template visit(visitors...)
    Applies a delegate or function to the given Variant depending on the held type, ensuring that all types are handled by the visiting functions.
    alias Number = Variant!(int, double);
    Number x = 23;
    Number y = 1.0;
    assert(x.visit!((int v) => true, (float v) => false));
    assert(y.visit!((int v) => false, (float v) => true));
    alias Number = Nullable!(int, double);
    Number z = null; // default
    Number x = 23;
    Number y = 1.0;
    () nothrow {
        assert(x.visit!((int v) => true, (float v) => false));
        assert(y.visit!((int v) => false, (v) => true));
        assert(z.visit!((typeof(null) v) => true, (v) => false));
    } ();
    auto xx = x.get;
    static assert (is(typeof(xx) == Variant!(int, double)));
    assert(xx.visit!((int v) => v, (float v) => 0) == 23);
    assert(xx.visit!((ref v) => v) == 23);
    x = null;
    assert(z == y);
    Array primitives propagation
    Variant!(long[], double[]) array;
    array = new long[3];
    array[2] = 100;
    assert(array == [0L, 0, 100]);
    assert(array.length == 3);
    assert(array[2] == 100);
    array.length = 4;
    assert(array == [0L, 0, 100, 0]);
    array = array[2 .. 3];
    assert(array.length == 1);
    assert(array[0] == 100);
    array[0] = 10.Variant!(long, double);
    assert(array[0] == 10);
    Checks .Algebraic.toString and void Algerbraic.toString requries mir-algorithm package
    import mir.conv: to;
    enum MIR_ALGORITHM = __traits(compiles, { import mir.format; });
    alias visitorHandler = visit!(
        (typeof(null)) => "NULL",
        () => "VOID",
        (ref r) {r += 1;}, // returns void
    alias secondOrderVisitorHandler = visit!(
        () => "SO VOID", // void => to "RV VOID"
        (str) => str, // string to => it self
    alias V = Nullable!(void, int);
    static assert(is(V == Variant!(typeof(null), void, int)));
    V variant;
    assert(secondOrderVisitorHandler(visitorHandler(variant)) == "NULL");
    assert(variant.toString == "null");
    variant = V._void;
    assert(is(typeof(variant.get!void()) == void));
    assert(secondOrderVisitorHandler(visitorHandler(variant)) == "VOID");
    assert(variant.toString == "void");
    variant = 5;
    assert(secondOrderVisitorHandler(visitorHandler(variant)) == "SO VOID");
    assert(variant == 6);
    assert(variant.toString == (MIR_ALGORITHM ? "6" : "int"));
    template tryVisit(visitors...)
    Behaves as visit but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions.
    Exception if naryFun!visitors can't be called with provided arguments
    alias Number = Variant!(int, double);
    Number x = 23;
    assert(x.tryVisit!((int v) => true));
    template optionalVisit(visitors...)
    Behaves as visit but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions.
    nullable variant, null value is used if naryFun!visitors can't be called with provided arguments.
    static struct S { int a; }
    Variant!(S, double) variant;
    alias optionalVisitInst = optionalVisit!((ref value) => value + 0);
    // do nothing because of variant isn't initialized
    Nullable!double result = optionalVisitInst(variant);
    variant = S(2);
    // do nothing because of lambda can't compile
    result = optionalVisitInst(variant);
    assert(result == null);
    variant = 3.0;
    result = optionalVisitInst(variant);
    assert (result == 3.0);
    template autoVisit(visitors...)
    Behaves as visit but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions.
    optionally nullable type, null value is used if naryFun!visitors can't be called with provided arguments.
    template match(visitors...)
    Applies a delegate or function to the given arguments depending on the held type, ensuring that all types are handled by the visiting functions.
    The handler supports multiple dispatch or multimethods: a feature of handler in which a function or method can be dynamically dispatched based on the run time (dynamic) type or, in the more general case, some other attribute of more than one of its arguments.
    Fuses algebraic types on return.
    static struct Asteroid { uint size; }
    static struct Spaceship { uint size; }
    alias SpaceObject = Variant!(Asteroid, Spaceship);
    alias collideWith = match!(
        (Asteroid x, Asteroid y) => "a/a",
        (Asteroid x, Spaceship y) => "a/s",
        (Spaceship x, Asteroid y) => "s/a",
        (Spaceship x, Spaceship y) => "s/s",
    import mir.utility: min;
    // Direct access of a member in case of all algebraic types has this member
    alias oops = (a, b) => (a.size + b.size) > 3 && min(a.size, b.size) > 1;
    alias collide = (x, y) => oops(x, y) ? "big-boom" : collideWith(x, y);
    auto ea = Asteroid(1);
    auto es = Spaceship(2);
    auto oa = SpaceObject(ea);
    auto os = SpaceObject(es);
    // Asteroid-Asteroid
    assert(collide(ea, ea) == "a/a");
    assert(collide(ea, oa) == "a/a");
    assert(collide(oa, ea) == "a/a");
    assert(collide(oa, oa) == "a/a");
    // Asteroid-Spaceship
    assert(collide(ea, es) == "a/s");
    assert(collide(ea, os) == "a/s");
    assert(collide(oa, es) == "a/s");
    assert(collide(oa, os) == "a/s");
    // Spaceship-Asteroid
    assert(collide(es, ea) == "s/a");
    assert(collide(es, oa) == "s/a");
    assert(collide(os, ea) == "s/a");
    assert(collide(os, oa) == "s/a");
    // Spaceship-Spaceship
    assert(collide(es, es) == "big-boom");
    assert(collide(es, os) == "big-boom");
    assert(collide(os, es) == "big-boom");
    assert(collide(os, os) == "big-boom");
    template tryMatch(visitors...)
    Behaves as match but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions.
    Exception if naryFun!visitors can't be called with provided arguments
    Fuses algebraic types on return.
    import std.exception: assertThrown;
    static struct Asteroid { uint size; }
    static struct Spaceship { uint size; }
    alias SpaceObject = Variant!(Asteroid, Spaceship);
    alias collideWith = tryMatch!(
        (Asteroid x, Asteroid y) => "a/a",
        // No visitor for A/S pair
        // (Asteroid x, Spaceship y) => "a/s",
        (Spaceship x, Asteroid y) => "s/a",
        (Spaceship x, Spaceship y) => "s/s",
    import mir.utility: min;
    // Direct access of a member in case of all algebraic types has this member
    alias oops = (a, b) => (a.size + b.size) > 3 && min(a.size, b.size) > 1;
    alias collide = (x, y) => oops(x, y) ? "big-boom" : collideWith(x, y);
    auto ea = Asteroid(1);
    auto es = Spaceship(2);
    auto oa = SpaceObject(ea);
    auto os = SpaceObject(es);
    // Asteroid-Asteroid
    assert(collide(ea, ea) == "a/a");
    assert(collide(ea, oa) == "a/a");
    assert(collide(oa, ea) == "a/a");
    assert(collide(oa, oa) == "a/a");
    // Asteroid-Spaceship
    assertThrown!Exception(collide(ea, es));
    assertThrown!Exception(collide(ea, os));
    assertThrown!Exception(collide(oa, es));
    assertThrown!Exception(collide(oa, os));
    // can deduce the type based on other return values
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(ea, os)) == string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(oa, es)) == string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(oa, os)) == string));
    // Also allows newer compilers to detect combinations which always throw an exception
    static if (is(typeof(collideWith(ea, es)) == noreturn))
        static assert(is(typeof(collide(ea, es)) == string));
        // not enough information to deduce the type from (ea, es) pair
        static assert(is(typeof(collide(ea, es)) == void));
    // Spaceship-Asteroid
    assert(collide(es, ea) == "s/a");
    assert(collide(es, oa) == "s/a");
    assert(collide(os, ea) == "s/a");
    assert(collide(os, oa) == "s/a");
    // Spaceship-Spaceship
    assert(collide(es, es) == "big-boom");
    assert(collide(es, os) == "big-boom");
    assert(collide(os, es) == "big-boom");
    assert(collide(os, os) == "big-boom");
    template optionalMatch(visitors...)
    Behaves as match but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions.
    nullable variant, null value is used if naryFun!visitors can't be called with provided arguments.
    Fuses algebraic types on return.
    static struct Asteroid { uint size; }
    static struct Spaceship { uint size; }
    alias SpaceObject = Variant!(Asteroid, Spaceship);
    alias collideWith = optionalMatch!(
        (Asteroid x, Asteroid y) => "a/a",
        // No visitor for A/S pair
        // (Asteroid x, Spaceship y) => "a/s",
        (Spaceship x, Asteroid y) => "s/a",
        (Spaceship x, Spaceship y) => "s/s",
    import mir.utility: min;
    // Direct access of a member in case of all algebraic types has this member
    alias oops = (a, b) => (a.size + b.size) > 3 && min(a.size, b.size) > 1;
    alias collide = (x, y) => oops(x, y) ? "big-boom".nullable : collideWith(x, y);
    auto ea = Asteroid(1);
    auto es = Spaceship(2);
    auto oa = SpaceObject(ea);
    auto os = SpaceObject(es);
    // Asteroid-Asteroid
    assert(collide(ea, ea) == "a/a");
    assert(collide(ea, oa) == "a/a");
    assert(collide(oa, ea) == "a/a");
    assert(collide(oa, oa) == "a/a");
    // Asteroid-Spaceship
    // assert(collide(ea, es).isNull);  // Compiler error: incompatible types
    assert(collideWith(ea, es).isNull); // OK
    assert(collide(ea, os).isNull);
    assert(collide(oa, es).isNull);
    assert(collide(oa, os).isNull);
    // Spaceship-Asteroid
    assert(collide(es, ea) == "s/a");
    assert(collide(es, oa) == "s/a");
    assert(collide(os, ea) == "s/a");
    assert(collide(os, oa) == "s/a");
    // Spaceship-Spaceship
    assert(collide(es, es) == "big-boom");
    assert(collide(es, os) == "big-boom");
    assert(collide(os, es) == "big-boom");
    assert(collide(os, os) == "big-boom");
    // check types
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, collide(Asteroid.init, Spaceship.init)));
    static assert(is(typeof(collideWith(Asteroid.init, Spaceship.init)) == Nullable!()));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(Asteroid.init, Asteroid.init)) == Nullable!string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(Asteroid.init, SpaceObject.init)) == Nullable!string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(SpaceObject.init, Asteroid.init)) == Nullable!string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(SpaceObject.init, SpaceObject.init)) == Nullable!string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(SpaceObject.init, Spaceship.init)) == Nullable!string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(Spaceship.init, Asteroid.init)) == Nullable!string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(Spaceship.init, SpaceObject.init)) == Nullable!string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(Spaceship.init, Spaceship.init)) == Nullable!string));
    template autoMatch(visitors...)
    Behaves as match but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions.
    optionally nullable type, null value is used if naryFun!visitors can't be called with provided arguments.
    Fuses algebraic types on return.
    static struct Asteroid { uint size; }
    static struct Spaceship { uint size; }
    alias SpaceObject = Variant!(Asteroid, Spaceship);
    alias collideWith = autoMatch!(
        (Asteroid x, Asteroid y) => "a/a",
        // No visitor for A/S pair
        // (Asteroid x, Spaceship y) => "a/s",
        (Spaceship x, Asteroid y) => "s/a",
        (Spaceship x, Spaceship y) => "s/s",
    import mir.utility: min;
    // Direct access of a member in case of all algebraic types has this member
    alias oops = (a, b) => (a.size + b.size) > 3 && min(a.size, b.size) > 1;
    import mir.conv: to;
    alias collide = (x, y) => oops(x, y) ? "big-boom".to!(typeof(collideWith(x, y))) : collideWith(x, y);
    auto ea = Asteroid(1);
    auto es = Spaceship(2);
    auto oa = SpaceObject(ea);
    auto os = SpaceObject(es);
    // Asteroid-Asteroid
    assert(collide(ea, ea) == "a/a");
    assert(collide(ea, oa) == "a/a");
    assert(collide(oa, ea) == "a/a");
    assert(collide(oa, oa) == "a/a");
    // Asteroid-Spaceship
    // assert(collide(ea, es).isNull);  // Compiler error: incompatible types
    assert(collideWith(ea, es).isNull); // OK
    assert(collide(ea, os).isNull);
    assert(collide(oa, es).isNull);
    assert(collide(oa, os).isNull);
    // Spaceship-Asteroid
    assert(collide(es, ea) == "s/a");
    assert(collide(es, oa) == "s/a");
    assert(collide(os, ea) == "s/a");
    assert(collide(os, oa) == "s/a");
    // Spaceship-Spaceship
    assert(collide(es, es) == "big-boom");
    assert(collide(es, os) == "big-boom");
    assert(collide(os, es) == "big-boom");
    assert(collide(os, os) == "big-boom");
    // check types
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, collide(Asteroid.init, Spaceship.init)));
    static assert(is(typeof(collideWith(Asteroid.init, Spaceship.init)) == Nullable!()));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(Asteroid.init, Asteroid.init)) == string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(SpaceObject.init, Asteroid.init)) == string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(Spaceship.init, Asteroid.init)) == string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(Spaceship.init, SpaceObject.init)) == string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(Spaceship.init, Spaceship.init)) == string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(Asteroid.init, SpaceObject.init)) == Nullable!string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(SpaceObject.init, SpaceObject.init)) == Nullable!string));
    static assert(is(typeof(collide(SpaceObject.init, Spaceship.init)) == Nullable!string));
    template getMember(string member, TArgs...)
    Applies a member handler to the given Variant depending on the held type, ensuring that all types are handled by the visiting handler.
    static struct S { auto bar(int a) { return a; } enum boolean = true; }
    static struct C2 { alias bar = (double a) => a * 2; enum boolean = false; }
    alias V = Variant!(S, C2);
    V x = S();
    V y = C2();
    static assert(is(typeof(x.getMember!"bar"(2)) == Variant!(int, double)));
    assert(x.getMember!"bar"(2) == 2);
    assert(y.getMember!"bar"(2) != 4);
    assert(y.getMember!"bar"(2) == 4.0);
    // direct implementation
    assert( == 2);
    assert( != 4);
    assert( == 4.0);
    template matchMember(string member, TArgs...)
    Applies a member handler to the given Variant depending on the held type, ensuring that all types are handled by the visiting handler.
    Fuses algebraic types on return.
    static struct S
        Nullable!int m;
    static struct C1
        Variant!(float, double) m;
    alias V = Variant!(S, C1);
    V x = S(2.nullable);
    V y = C1(Variant!(float, double)(4.0));
    // getMember returns an algebraic of algebraics
    static assert(is(typeof(x.getMember!"m") == Variant!(Variant!(float, double), Nullable!int)));
    // matchMember returns a fused algebraic
    static assert(is(typeof(x.matchMember!"m") == Nullable!(int, float, double)));
    assert(x.matchMember!"m" == 2);
    assert(y.matchMember!"m" != 4);
    assert(y.matchMember!"m" == 4.0);
    template tryGetMember(string member)
    Behaves as getMember but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the member visitor.
    Exception if member can't be accessed with provided arguments
    static struct S { int bar(int a) { return a; }}
    static struct C3 { alias Bar = (double a) => a * 2; }
    alias V = Variant!(S, C3);
    V x = S();
    V y = C3();
    static assert(is(typeof(x.tryGetMember!"bar"(2)) == int));
    static assert(is(typeof(y.tryGetMember!"Bar"(2)) == double));
    assert(x.tryGetMember!"bar"(2) == 2);
    assert(y.tryGetMember!"Bar"(2) == 4.0);
    alias Number = Variant!(int, double);
    Number x = Number(23);
    Number y = Number(1.0);
    assert(x.visit!((int v) => true, (float v) => false));
    assert(y.visit!((int v) => false, (float v) => true));
    template tryMatchMember(string member, TArgs...)
    Behaves as matchMember but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the member visitor.
    Exception if member can't be accessed with provided arguments
    Fuses algebraic types on return.
    template optionalGetMember(string member, TArgs...)
    Behaves as getMember but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the member visitor.
    nullable variant, null value is used if the member can't be called with provided arguments.
    template optionalMatchMember(string member, TArgs...)
    Behaves as matchMember but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the member visitor.
    nullable variant, null value is used if the member can't be called with provided arguments.
    Fuses algebraic types on return.
    template autoGetMember(string member, TArgs...)
    Behaves as getMember but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the member visitor.
    optionally nullable type, null value is used if the member can't be called with provided arguments.
    template autoMatchMember(string member, TArgs...)
    Behaves as matchMember but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the member visitor.
    optionally nullable type, null value is used if the member can't be called with provided arguments.
    Fuses algebraic types on return.
    template Err(T)

    auto err(T)(T value);
    Wrapper to denote an error value type.
    The wrapper is autostripped by none.
    See Also:
    @reflectErr static struct E {}
    static assert(is(Err!string == Err!string));
    static assert(is(Err!(Err!string) == Err!string));
    static assert(is(Err!E == E));
    static assert(is(Err!Exception == Exception));
    static assert(is(typeof("str".err) == Err!string));
    static assert(is(typeof(E().err) == E));
    static assert(is(typeof(new Exception("str").err) == Exception));
    struct Err;
    T value;
    template stripErr(T)
    Strips out Err wrapper from the type.
    static assert(is(stripErr!Exception == Exception));
    static assert(is(stripErr!string == string));
    static assert(is(stripErr!(Err!string) == string));
    template suit(alias filter, visitors...)
    See Also:
    some and none.
    visitors visitors to match with.
    import std.traits: isDynamicArray, Unqual;
    import std.meta: templateNot;
    alias V = Variant!(long, int, string, long[], int[]);
    alias autoGetElementType = match!(
        (string s) => "string", // we override the suit handler below for string
        suit!(isDynamicArray, a => Unqual!(typeof(a[0])).stringof),
        suit!(templateNot!isDynamicArray, a => Unqual!(typeof(a)).stringof),
    assert(autoGetElementType(V(string.init)) == "string");
    assert(autoGetElementType(V((long[]).init)) == "long");
    assert(autoGetElementType(V((int[]).init)) == "int");
    assert(autoGetElementType(V(long.init)) == "long");
    assert(autoGetElementType(V(int.init)) == "int");
    import std.traits: allSameType;
    import std.meta: templateNot;
    static struct Asteroid { uint size; }
    static struct Spaceship { uint size; }
    alias SpaceObject = Variant!(Asteroid, Spaceship);
    auto errorMsg = "can't unite an asteroid with a spaceship".err;
    alias unite = match!(
        suit!(allSameType, (a, b) => typeof(a)(a.size + b.size)),
        suit!(templateNot!allSameType, (a, b) => errorMsg),
    auto ea = Asteroid(10);
    auto es = Spaceship(1);
    auto oa = SpaceObject(ea);
    auto os = SpaceObject(es);
    static assert(is(typeof(unite(oa, oa)) == Variant!(Err!string, Asteroid, Spaceship)));
    // Asteroid-Asteroid
    assert(unite(ea, ea) == Asteroid(20));
    assert(unite(ea, oa) == Asteroid(20));
    assert(unite(oa, ea) == Asteroid(20));
    assert(unite(oa, oa) == Asteroid(20));
    // Asteroid-Spaceship
    assert(unite(ea, es) == errorMsg);
    assert(unite(ea, os) == errorMsg);
    assert(unite(oa, es) == errorMsg);
    assert(unite(oa, os) == errorMsg);
    // Spaceship-Asteroid
    assert(unite(es, ea) == errorMsg);
    assert(unite(es, oa) == errorMsg);
    assert(unite(os, ea) == errorMsg);
    assert(unite(os, oa) == errorMsg);
    // Spaceship-Spaceship
    assert(unite(es, es) == Spaceship(2));
    assert(unite(es, os) == Spaceship(2));
    assert(unite(os, es) == Spaceship(2));
    assert(unite(os, os) == Spaceship(2));
    template some(visitors...)

    template none(visitors...)
    some is a variant of suit that forces that type of any argument doesn't satisfy isErr template.
    none is a variant of suit that forces that type of all arguments satisfy isErr template. The handler automatically strips the Err wrapper.
    visitors visitors to match with.
    import mir.conv: to;
    alias orElse(alias fun) = visit!(some!"a", none!fun);
    alias errToString = orElse!(to!string);
    // can any other type including integer enum
    static struct ErrorInfo {
        string msg;
        auto toString() const { return msg; }
    alias V = Variant!(Err!string, ErrorInfo, Exception, long, double);
    alias R = typeof(errToString(V.init));
    static assert(is(R == Variant!(string, long, double)), R.stringof);
        V v = 1;
        assert(errToString(v) == 1);
        V v = 1.0;
        assert(errToString(v) == 1.0);
        V v = ErrorInfo("msg");
        assert(errToString(v) == "msg");
        V v = "msg".err;
        assert(errToString(v) == "msg");
        V v = new Exception("msg"); enum line = __LINE__;
        assert(errToString(v) == "object.Exception@" ~ __FILE__ ~ "(" ~ line.stringof ~ "): msg");
    enum reflectErr;
    Attribute that denotes an error type. Can be used with some and none.
    See Also:
    template isErr(T)
    Checks if T is a instance of Err or if it is annotated with reflectErr.
    template isResultVariant(T)
    Checks if T is a Variant with at least one allowed type that satisfy isErr traits.
    template SomeVariant(T : Algebraic!Types, Types...)
    Gets subtype of algebraic without types for which isErr is true.
    @reflectErr static struct ErrorS { }
    alias V = Variant!(ErrorS, Err!string, long, double, This[]);
    static assert(is(SomeVariant!V == Variant!(long, double, This[])));
    template NoneVariant(T : Algebraic!Types, Types...)
    Gets subtype of algebraic with types for which isErr is true.
    @reflectErr static struct ErrorS { }
    alias V = Variant!(ErrorS, Err!string, long, double, This[]);
    static assert(is(NoneVariant!V == Variant!(ErrorS, Err!string)));
    template assumeOk(alias visitor = naryFun!("", "a"), alias handler = .match)
    Validates that the result doesn't contain an error value.
    visitor (compiletime) visitor function. Default value is naryFun!("", "a").
    handler (compiletime) visitor handler to use. Default value is match.
    Throws an exception if at least one parameter passed to visitor satisfies isErr traits. If there is only one paramter (common case) and its value is Throwable, throws it. Otherwise, all_ paramters will be printed to the exception message using mir.format.print.
    import std.exception: collectExceptionMsg;
    import mir.exception: MirException;
    alias SingleTypeValue = typeof(assumeOk(Variant!(Exception, long).init));
    static assert(is(SingleTypeValue == long), SingleTypeValue.stringof);
    // can any other type including integer enum
    static struct ErrorInfo {
        string msg;
        auto toString() const { return msg; }
    alias V = Variant!(Err!string, ErrorInfo, Exception, long, double);
    alias R = typeof(assumeOk(V.init));
    static assert(is(R == Variant!(long, double)), R.stringof);
        V v = 1;
        assert(v.assumeOk == 1);
        V v = 1.0;
        assert(v.assumeOk == 1.0);
        V v = ErrorInfo("msg");
        assert(v.assumeOk.collectExceptionMsg == "assumeOk failure:\nmsg");
        V v = "msg".err;
        assert(v.assumeOk.collectExceptionMsg == "assumeOk failure:\nmsg");
        V v = new Exception("msg");
        assert(v.assumeOk.collectExceptionMsg == "msg");